Roots / Routes

The 2019 Meeting of the American Society for Ethnohistory

State College, Pennsylvania

September 25-29, 2019

In attending to thehistories of mobility and exchange implied by Roots / Routes, we consider thefollowing questions: How have Indigenous peoples constructed notions of place?How do movements and exchanges create new places, change old places, and/orreconfigure or reaffirm cultures? How do people remain rooted in place andcommunity while on the move and how do they form new relationships? How haveforces such as empire, colonialism, or capitalism disrupted past routes and howhave Indigenous people navigated and re-charted a changed world?

REMINDER: All participants must be current in their society membership. 


All items labelled $0 are free to participants but we request that you register ahead of time, thank you!

Membership Reminders-

All participants must be members in good standing.